Our curriculum is a collection of core experiences that our children experience every day. A balance of child-led and adult-led activities. We provide an environment that enables every child to follow their own interests and become independent learners. We absolutely believe that children should lead their own learning, they learn far more when they are interested and excited about something. By thinking carefully about children’s interests and giving them the resources and confidence to pursue them in a well-structured environment, children are able to take ownership of their explorations, engage in positive ‘deep’ learning experiences and master new skills. By basing our curriculum around core experiences, we believe that all children, whatever their ability, background or ethnicity, can access the curriculum and thrive. Praise and encouragement are essential to give children the confidence to believe in themselves, we ensure that children always have a positive day. We want our children to be kind and caring, independent and resilient and to have good language skills. We want them to have all that grounded, underpinning knowledge they need to be able to take risks and make thoughtful decisions about what they are doing, so when they go into the big, wide world they can make risk-benefit decisions and think about the impact of what they do.